Tee Time Bookings
Visitors can book tee times online via this link https://visitors.brsgolf.com/brierleyforest#/course/1
Members can book online through the members link https://members.brsgolf.com/brierleyforest/login
Golf Simulator Bookings
Visitors can book the golf simulator online via this link: Future Bookings - Brierley Forest Golf Club (masterscoreboard.co.uk)
Members can book online through the members link : Future Bookings - Brierley Forest Golf Club (masterscoreboard.co.uk)
Any issues you can call the clubhouse on 01623 550761.
Please note a public footpath crosses our golf course and a horses field to the right of the 18th.
Please give way to the public to cross and do not play until public footpath is clear.
Golfers must shout a warning in the event of an errant shot.
Golfers must alert the clubhouse on exit of the 18th if a golf ball has been
hit right onto the horses field from tee off.
What's New
For all the most recent updates for Brierley Forest Golf Club including upcoming events & any course closures, please view the Brierley Forest Golf Club Facebook page here or visit any of the social media pages.

Brierley Forest Golf Club are proud to be affiliated with England Golf.
If you can see this message, the Facebook page has been unable to load. This is a known issue with Facebook on some devices. The Brierley Forest Golf Club Facebook page can still be viewed by clicking the Facebook logo adjacent or at the bottom of the page
Sponsorship Available!
For just £99 per annum!
The package includes the following:
Affiliation with Brierley Forest Golf Club
Your logo on hole of your choice
Full screen advert played every 20 minutes on our two in-house TV channels
Your banner advert/logo on the Club Website
Your banner advert/logo every 2 weeks on all our social media platforms - LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok and Insta)
5% discount on drinks at the club
Free meeting room hire once a month
6 x 4 balls of complimentary golf for you or your clients (can be used as 1, 2, or 3 balls also)
Our unique location attracts local dog walkers and ramblers from and parents from the nearby primary school. We have 500 golf and social members as well as hosting many open golf days, charity fun days and many other events to attract people to see your sponsorships.
To find out more, call general manager Grant Matchett on 07793732976